How to sell your catalytic converter online

Cómo vender su catalizador en linea

It is a known fact that one of the most common causes of air pollution is emission from auto vehicles. The toxic gases include nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, and ozone harming substances. These emissions greatly affect the environment and climate. Over the decades, many initiatives have attempted to limit the outflow of such harmful gases to the climate. One of them is catalytic converters.

What is a catalytic converter?

Catalytic converters are used utilise harmful gases from your vehicle into something less harmful to the environment. This has made catalytic converters extremely valuable. However, in the scrap business, catalytic converters have become particularly popular over recent years. One of the main reasons is the presence of valuable metals found inside catalytic converters: rhodium, platinum, and palladium. Rising to an unprecedented demand in the market, catalytic converter recycling has become a major part of the industry over the past decade. 

Why would you need to sell your catalytic converter?

Unfortunately, there also may come a time when you might look forward to selling your catalytic converter as the machine will not serve you as needed. Industry-standard suggest that catalytic converter should be replaced every 100,000 km driven. One of the reasons might be catalytic poisoning. This happens when various chemicals like manganese, sulfur, silicon, or lead are deposited on its surface. The surface shouldn’t come into contact with these toxic gases as it ultimately leads to the demise of the converter. 

Selling Your Catalytic Converter

Catalytic converters ought to be recycled when they are not working as required or are no longer of any use. Recycling is a fundamental step for the individuals who need to discard their catalytic converter. For this purpose, the best spots are refiners, scrapyards or processors. There are also many catalytic converter recycling zones across countries. Many scrap yards buy catalytic converters across Europe.

However, there are a few factors with regards to selling catalytic converters that one should keep in mind:

Most Common Problems When Selling Catalytic Converters To Scrap Yards:

Absence of Knowledge – A ton of scrap yards purchase catalytic converters, however they don’t actually have a clue how to grade them appropriately based on their contents due to the lack of resources and analytical equipment.

Inexperience – Catalytic converter recycling isn’t the core of what most scrap yards do, so they tend to be inexperienced when it comes to buying them, especially in bulk. If you have lots of converters, you need to speak to a specialist converter recycling company like Bacmetall.

Lack of Resources – Scrap yards that are hoping to expand their purchasing of catalytic converters have a hard time getting and using the right tools for the analysis and extraction of the precious metals. 

Hence, It is better for you to sell your catalytic converter to a specialist catalytic converter recycling company than a scrap yard. Scrap yards come up short on the right information about the valuable metals in these converters. They will not be able to offer the level of transparency required. 

Why Local Auto Shops Also Aren’t An Ideal Option

One factor you should consider about smaller auto shops that purchase catalytic converters, except if they are purchasing a great deal of exhaust systems consistently, is that it will be hard for them to give top rates. They are most likely to offer a reduced price so they can offer the converters to a purchaser who knows what they’re doing and therefore capitalise on the difference in purchasing price and make some cash.

Picking the Right Recycling Company

You should search for the right purchaser assuming you need to sell your old catalytic convertors quickly. Knowing all these factors will help you to smooth the process of selling your catalytic convertor. Here are a few factors you ought to consider: 

Purchasing Price

It is a known fact that one of the most common causes of air pollution is emission from auto vehicles. The toxic gases include nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, and ozone harming substances. These emissions greatly affect the environment and climate. Over the decades, many initiatives have attempted to limit the outflow of such harmful gases to the climate. One of them is catalytic converters.

Converter Information

You should search for a purchaser with legitimate information on these catalytic convertors. This is fundamental assuming you want to get the best rate. Converters have unique tags. A purchaser with a legitimate knowledge of catalytic converters and a database to back it up will buy yours at its current market rate without the need for bargaining.

Catalytic converters have serial numbers which can be used to determine the current purchasing price of any particular converter. Experienced catalytic converter recycling organizations will request the serial number of your catalytic convertors prior to providing their cost estimates. 

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What if you do not have a serial number:

  • Grab some sand paper! It is not uncommon to have corrosion on a catalytic convertor. So you can rub its surface with a coarse material to uncover it. 
  • It is also possible that there is no serial number. Don’t worry  we can help you work around this. 
    • We could make an educated guess in estimating the value
    • We will make a precise analysis of a catalytic converter and pay you as per analysis
Why choose Bacmetall?

We offer the best rates for your scrap catalytic converters. Send us your catalytic converters directly and we’ll make analysis f0r the lot and give you the highest price for your converters. We believe in full transparency with our customers. All units are prepared with full transparency for the client. Costs depend on the valuable metal substance and every unit’s worth is registered in our report. 

Want To Sell Your Catalytic Converter? 

Since you now understand the main factors to know before you sell your catalytic converter, it’s an ideal time to get a quote! Bacmetall is one of the leading catalytic converter purchasing companies in Europe. We guarantee the highest quality service and attractive payment options for every client. For general inquiries, email us at or visit our office at T. Masiulio 18, Kaunas, Lithuania, LT-52459.